Meet the First Analytics Team
Our seasoned group of talented business operations pros, highly skilled statisticians, mathematicians, data analytics experts and Industry & Academic leaders, are here for you. We work together to deliver simple solutions to complex problems – solutions that are right for the situation, easy to use and understand and have immediate business benefit. Our methodology and nimble approach gives us the flexibility to react and respond quickly to our clients’ needs and emerging circumstances, unlike large data analytics companies and one-size-fits-all consultancies.

Our Leadership Team
Our core team comprises analytical professionals and data scientists with advanced degrees, averaging 1.5 degrees per person. We have spent our careers in data analytics companies, consulting, analytic applications development, information technology management, and operations. Furthermore, we are recognized industry professionals, led by Mike Thompson and Tom Davenport, a world-renowned thought leader and author of AI Advantage and Competing on Analytics.
Become an analytically run business. Find new value in an old area or capture a new opportunity. We’ll show you how.
Tom Davenport
Tom Davenport is the author of "AI Advantage" and “Competing on Analytics,” the most reprinted Harvard Business Review article which led to his successful book of the same title. In…
Mike Thompson
Mike Thompson identifies and implements analytic initiatives to achieve better results, bringing analytical insight and practical experience to the process. Prior to helping found First Analytics, Mike was a Partner with…
Todd Gustafson
Todd Gustafson applies advanced analytic approaches to address real-world business challenges in pricing, marketing, forecasting, and operations, principally for B2C clients. He has been an early adopter and industry leader…
Rob Stevens
As part of the leadership team at First Analytics, Rob helps companies develop and execute programs to cultivate their analytics competency. He brings experience to bear stemming from more than…