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New Paper in our Library: Accessing NOAA Weather Data from Within SAS

With severe weather making recent headlines almost daily, we thought it would be a good time to discuss how weather can be incorporated into analytical and machine learning models.  Weather conditions can significantly impact business operations, and understanding these impacts through data can drive better decision-making. For a glimpse of how weather data can help, check out Weather Data in…

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Upcoming Webinar: My CEO Says I’m Supposed to Use AI. Now What?

We invite you to attend a webinar we are participating in, sponsored by the Community of Human and Organizational Learning. Here is the event description: With all of the publicity and hype surrounding Generative AI, it is easy to be skeptical, yet at the same time, suffer from “FOMO” (fear of missing out). This webinar will give a brief overview…

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Publication of HBR Article on Generative AI and Customer Feedback

We announce the publication of the Harvard Business Review digital paper, "GenAI Can Help Companies Do More with Customer Feedback," co-authored by First Analytics co-founders Tom Davenport and Mike Thompson, along with Jim Sterne.  This research offers deep insights into how generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is transforming the way businesses engage with and respond to customer feedback. The paper, published…

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Talking Optimization at a Data Science Conference

Thanks to our partnership with Gurobi, we are participating in OSDC East.  Our talk, entitled "Unlocking Hidden Value: Data Science + Optimization" follows a theme we have discussed previously.  Many business opportunities do not end with data science.  In many cases Optimization can boost the value of predictive modeling. ODSC East is a leading data science conference that provides a…

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Upcoming Presentation at the Meat Institute’s Environment, Labor, and Safety+ Conference

We are happy to announce our participation in the North American Meat Institute's Environment, Labor and Safety+ conference.  The event will be held April 16-17, 2024 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The conference brings together professionals at all levels of the organization committed to ensuring safe workplaces, supporting a healthy and diverse workforce, and optimizing environmental contributions. Our session is scheduled…

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New in our Library: Vetting AI Vendor Claims

Do your eyes roll when you hear the term "AI" thrown out indiscriminately?  Do you bring your AI Buzzword Bingo card to meetings, especially vendor sales pitches?  Then we have something for you! We have placed in our library a new comprehensive guide, "Vetting AI Vendor Claims".  Created with the expertise of both AI and human intelligence, this guide aims…

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