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Upcoming Webinar: My CEO Says I’m Supposed to Use AI. Now What?

We invite you to attend a webinar we are participating in, sponsored by the Community of Human and Organizational Learning.

Here is the event description:

With all of the publicity and hype surrounding Generative AI, it is easy to be skeptical, yet at the same time, suffer from “FOMO” (fear of missing out).

This webinar will give a brief overview of Generative AI technologies and their applications. The presentation format will be followed by a panel discussion from professionals from multiple industries. They will share their real-world experiences and challenges in implementing these nascent technologies in their organizations.

Webinar attendees will learn that, while there is much hype and overstatement of the capabilities of Generative AI, a carefully developed strategy can indeed help move a business forward.

You can read about the event here, including the background of the two presenters and three industry panelists.

Use the same link to register for this free event.

This webinar will be followed by a similar live session at the CHOLearning 2024 conference, held in Las Vegas, June 10-14, 2024.  We also encourage you to attend this conference which is sometimes called “greatest conference for humans by humans.”

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