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Generative AI Adoption: Insights from CHOLearning Conference Surveys

In June, 2024, at the Community of Human and Organizational Learning’s 30th Annual Conference, First Analytics participated in general session entitled, “My CEO Asked for AI: A Year in Review”.  This was an update to the prior year’s session, The Current State of AI: The Good, Bad, and Evil of ChatGPT.

In each year’s session we conducted an informal survey of audience members with the notion that it would be interesting to see how things change from year to year.  This is by no means a scientfic survey, but is somewhat indicative of overall awareness and adoption of AI technologies, and Generative AI specifically.

We are sharing the results here.  As expected, there was a substantial increase in awareness and adoption.

This may be due, in part, to the fact that AI is is now on the radar of the C-Suite and the board room.  In May 2024, to address this topic, we participated, along with representatives of several companies, on a web panel discussion entitled, My CEO Says I’m Supposed to Use AI. Now What?

And many vendors are latching on to the AI buzzword to sell their wares.  Because there is a lot of hype and gaps between claims and reality, we put together this guide to assist our clients as they process what vendors are claiming.

We hope to repeat the survey 2025 and hope you can attend next year’s conference to see the contrast.

Meanwhile, if you have a AI mandate in your company First Analytics can help.  We have a dedicated innovation team working hard to keep up on the latest techologies, which have release schedules measured in weeks, not quarters or years.  We are finding that capabilities which were limited or undewhelming even just a few months ago are now starting to show promise.  We are happy to consult with you on your problem and determine if there is an AI solution that fits.

Contact us if you would like to arrange a discussion.

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