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When data prep turns into p-hacking

One might assume that data generated by sensors and event recorders would be clean because after all, these are precise instruments, right? Alas, the analytics of things suffers from the age-old challenge of data quality. This screenshot from SAS Visual Analytics show that for…

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Benford’s Law at Lowe’s

I recently installed a replacement mailbox and post, so off I went to Lowe’s to shop for address number decals to affix to new mailbox. When I located the pegboard hooks holding the numbers, as a quant, I immediately noticed…

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The Analytics of Things

Originally published by Tom Davenport at the Wall Street Journal blog. The press and blogosphere are full of references to “The Internet of Things” or even “The Internet of Everything.” It’s great to connect inanimate objects to the Internet, of course.…

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